Sunday, February 21, 2010

Facing East from Indian Country>>>

Indian Country

1. I learned that there is more then one side to the story. That you can't just believe one side till you hear the other. Also, I learned that Pocahontas really did save John Smith and it wasn't just Disney's view of it. That it was John Smith that asked Queen Anne to treat Pocahontas with dignity on her visit to London. Only a year after being in England she died of small pox.

2. Reading the book "Facing East form Indian Country" put a different perspective on them first settling the "new world". When we learn about the settlers coming over from England we here there side of the story because there is written prof. Not many people tell the Native Americans side cause there was no supporting story's. So reading this helped me understand more of what the Europeans did to the Native Americans. That the Europeans were just as savage and the Native Americans. That in a way the Native Americans had all the right to do that to the Europeans. Maybe if they did not trick them or treat them bad after the Indians helped them, maybe there would have been less Indian attacks. I just think it was mostly the Europeans that cause all the hostility between the two cutlers. They gladly accepted there help but once the Natives could not provide them with enough they pushed them aside.

3. The strengths of using the perspective of the Native Americans looking east helps us understand that they weren't the savage people the Europeans made them out to be. It helps people understand that we came and settled there land they lived and hunted off this land way before the Europeans even knew it existed. The weakness of using this perspective is the lake of evidence. There is not a lot of written documents that support most of the stories in the book "Facing eat from Indian Country". Grant it there is stories past down from generation to generation that give us a better understanding of what the Europeans did to the Native Americans, but it is still not proven facts. I believe that the stories that were past down are true and the the Europeans were just at savage as the Native Americans were.

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